Beauty and the Beast was premiered from September 1, 1987 to August 1, 1990. The story tells on how powerful love is. A story of two lovers who shared a bond that changed their lives forever. The main characters are Catherine Chandler, a wealthy woman who thinks her life has no meaning beyond anything and Vincent, who lives in tunnels and must stay hidden because of his appearance.
"Beauty and the Beast tv series is one of the best tv show made to date. The first 2 seasons is really very nice and romantic. The lightings and story are great. I like the chemistry of the actors who played Catherine and Vincent. It was shown twice here in my country but I only got to watch it the 2nd time when I was already in highschool since I was just 9 year old when it was first shown. Up to know I still know word for word the opening words being said by the two lead stars at the start of the show. It's truly one of the most romantic tv series. Maybe they can continue the series by starting that Catherine is not really dead and just went into hiding or kidnapped maybe." comment by an anonymous.
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Genre: TV Show
Condition: New
Package Type: Box Set
Display Type: Full screen